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rPET & OBD material are more and more prefered by umbrella customers

Now more and more customers are looking for recycled material, but what is rPET and OBD material?

1. what is rPET?

rPET is recycled PET(polyethylene terephthalate)plastic that is used to make packaging such as bottles and food containers.After the original
PET containers are used byconsumers, they are returned viaa recycling program to a facility that sorts,cleans, and transforms the plastic into rPET flakes or pellets that can be up-cycled into
new products.

2. what is OBD?

OBP is an acronym for Ocean Bound Plastic. OBP consists of plastic waste like bottles and packaging that will ultimately endup in our oceans or washed up onour shorelines. The most effective way to reduce OBP and protect the ecosystems which it affectsis by intercepting and recyclingit. In fact, a whopping 80% of the plastic polluting our Earth’soceans is presumed to have originated from land.

Let’s continue with our last blog, all these recycled material are more expensive than the 100% new made one, why we still shall use them? ChatGPT gives us a lesson:

1. Environmental Awareness: Customers are becoming more conscious about their impact on the environment, and recycled plastic is seen as a way to reduce waste and conserve natural resources.

2. Sustainability: Recycled plastic products are seen as a more sustainable alternative to products made from new plastic, as they reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment and conserve non-renewable resources.

3. Cost-effectiveness: Recycled plastic can be less expensive than new plastic,making it a more attractive option for customers who are looking for cost-effective products.

4. Durability: Recycled plastic products can be just as durable as products made from new plastic, and they are often backed by strong warranties.

5. Brand Image: Companies that use recycled plastic in their products are often seen as environmentally responsible and forward-thinking, which can help to enhance their brand image and appeal to eco-conscious customers.

Overall, recycled plastic is becoming increasingly popular as customers seek out environmentally-friendly and sustainable products, and as companies look for ways to reduce their impact on the environment.

Indeed, we make umbrellas for a better living, not only for ourselves, but for all human being, not only for now, but for our kids and kids’ kids. Let’s work together to develop this material well, and with it could replace the regular plastic in the near future.


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rPET & OBD material are more and more prefered by umbrella customers

rPET & OBD material are more and more prefered by umbrella customers

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